Day 8 — I believe in miracles
In continuation to below post
Hey everyone, it was one of the best days of this year. You know why? I got a message on LinkedIn from Google’s recruiter giving me the opportunity to get into Google. I know getting a message from Google is not a big thing anyone can get. But for me, it’s too big, that after getting the message in the evening I just got too excited and started dreaming for myself posting on LinkedIn about my first day in Google. But getting an opportunity to be interviewed in Google is not enough to become the employee of Google. You should be prepared for it. And anxiety has taken place what to do, I don’t want to miss this opportunity and I am not prepared for it, then what to do. But before thinking about this, lets first tell this good news to my parents and I told them I am soon going to be the employee of Google. At this point in time I don’t know how, but somewhere in my senses I know I will make it.
But my anxiety was not getting over, what to do, asked one of my friends if some of his friends have appeared for the interview, so he may help me with the interview process. Got to know there are around 7 rounds few are telephonic, and few are face to face, but this time everything is going to be done virtually, entirely new experience going to be there due to COVID 19. I have to do something of my anxiety otherwise I will not be able to do anything. I approached someone on LinkedIn for getting advice. And today was just a lucky day that I got a response within seconds.
Our Discussion
Hi Hasan, I need advice. I have got a recruiter message from Google. I am overwhelmed. But I am not prepared. Should I say no to this opportunity? Should I say yes and then appear for an interview and get rejected and after 6 months I can appear for the interview again, or should I tell them that I am not prepared yet and at least need a month to prepare? Need your guidance. Thanks
The Response
Hey Navneet Congratulations! Don’t worry, they always give you time to prepare. They ask you when to schedule your interviews and let you choose anywhere between one month to three months away. So take the opportunity, prepare hard, and do your best. If it doesn’t work out, it’s still better because they reach out to you again even if you fail. Your chances of being called again are higher with failure than not being interviewed at all.
My anxiety was gone. I know I will get time. And I responded to the recruiter with a yes. He sent me an email with job description and form to fill. After reading the job description I am not sure whether they will call me or not, because their minimum requirements were 5 + years of experience. And my experience is just 4 years that too completed last month. I am feeling like they haven’t seen the gap in my resume and maybe they can reject my resume after reviewing it properly. But no worries maybe they have other opportunities for me. I am completely optimistic. I just want to think positively. I am very much capable, all I have to think of is now to prepare for google interview. Not think but prepare for the interview.
May I get this job soon and may I make my family proud. Only positive thoughts.
Happy Reading !!!