Day 6 — Long way to go

Navneet Ojha
2 min readJul 6, 2020

We shall overcome…

Beginning of the new week, its Monday again. Woke up 1 hr early than my usual time, which is 5'o clock, very happy for my this achievement 😉. I will try my best to wake up at 5 am from now, this addition of 1 hr in my day will help me in completing my daily tasks on time, and I will be able to add more tasks for self-improvement. Let’s hope for the best. So today I woke up at 5 am, followed my morning routine, and by 6:30 am I was on my desk to start my new day. I started with leetcode challenge but I wasn’t able to solve it, actually, today’s question was finding out the hamming distance, but I am not good with bits currently and I didn’t felt like wasting more than an hour on it. That’s why today I didn’t spend time writing about the new challenge today.

Then I started with my office work, and after finishing my today’s work I started using social networking sites and my time disappeared in a blink of an eye. And finally, I was left with writing a blog, on how I waste my time.

“The trouble is you think you have time” — Buddha

I feel like my only trouble is I think I have time and then I waste and then I feel sorry for it. Saving 1 hr by waking up early in the morning hasn’t added anything fruitful, it was better to sleep, at least I would not feel like sleep-deprived. I hope I will not waste my time like I wasted it today and like I waste usually. I have to control my social networking use.

I will be doing Data Structure tomorrow, after completing my office work, if you remember in my last post I told you about that I have scheduled my mock interview on on this Sunday. This week my focus will be on solving as many data structure questions as I can. Let’s hope for the best and prepare as you have never won. Much needed preparation and this mock interview will help me to analyze my goals. Depending on the interview result I will set my further targets.

Yes Girls, your time is coming, you will soon overcome all your weakness. Keep moving in the direction of your goals.

Happy Reading!!!



Navneet Ojha

I am Indian by birth, Punjabi by destiny. Humanity is my religion. Love to eat, travel, read books and my million dreams keep me alive.