Day 15 — Balancing Work with my Interview Preparation
When life gives you lemons, squeeze it and make lemonade, One of the quotes I have heard people saying but making lemonade is not an easy task, I am telling you from my experience.
In continuation to my below post
Today I wake up at 4: 15 am again. Hurray!!! I always celebrate these small achievements, again saving 2 hours from my normal days. If I am able to do it on a regular basis then it is going to help me in the long run. I hope so I am able to do so. I started with my office work, then 6 am to 7:30 am my normal regular routine and the finished my office work while doing my work I realized I did work which was already done by my teammate but was not communicated to me, And this actually took 2 hours to do the task and then realizing that it was already completed, felt like cheated but can’t do anything my 2 hours saved have already gone waste, or I can say I have gained experience because I don’t want to motivate myself. Today I was stuck with the MongoDB query which was showing different behavior. The query was to find data between to given values, and this query was working fine yesterday and today it was giving issue finally, after an hour of struggle I realized that I was comparing a string to int and was getting different results. These are very basic errors, but I have to go through all these errors for becoming a smart and expert engineer.
Two new tasks were assigned to me, with some pending issues already. But I decided to leave it for a moment and start with the learning work because I have to manage both things, my office and my journey to my dreams.
Did all the pending Java interview questions, solved the leetcode July challenge, reading one chapter from MySQL internals book, solved 2 of maths problem solving as I have decided to solve math questions daily which will improve my pattern-finding skills, I always say it a pattern-finding skill as maths is all about patterns so the data structures.
I was not able to do design patterns today, which were one of the tasks on my todo list for today. Not I was able to finish the office work that I have to submit tomorrow, 24 hours seems to be quite less for me. I wish if I can manage to add more hours to my days because not all the times I can study or I can do office work, I take rest, my mind wants refreshment otherwise it will not be able to solve complex data structure problems, which is the necessity in current times. But hopefully, I am done with minimal requirements of Java interview Questions so I will start with design patterns from tomorrow for sure.
Hey girl you have to go long, don’t lose hope, keep learning, practicing and one day you will achieve your dreams and will be telling the whole world about your fairy tale story.
Happy Reading!!!