Day 11 — Slow and Steady Wins the race
In continuation to below post
It was Saturday though my office was not off. In this COVID times I have no offs on weekends, Sometime irritates me, but can’t do anything I have to gain experience, somehow it is good, as I will learn things but sometimes the body demands some relaxation. Mine is an Indian company when I joined this company I wasn’t happy as I didn’t like the infrastructure, the company haven’t invested in infrastructure much, but my teammate is nice, I have learned a lot of things from him, which is going to help me a lot in future. Due to COVID times, there is always a fear of job loss. When I open LinkedIn a lot many people posts daily about there job loss, I feel thankful to god but on the other side, fear is also there until when it is going to be like this. I enjoy working at home, even while working from home I am learning new things regularly within my office time in breaks or if don’t have much work to do. I also have fear if somehow things don’t work the way like it is now, and I have to face job loss then what would happen, I may have multiple gaps on my resume, I make sure my work is on the time and I do work on weekends, as currently, I don’t have any option I need this job badly for money and learning and for the experience to show for my next job.
I hope this COVID situation gets over soon, and everyone can start there normal work life, although now the new normal has changed, new normal includes wearing masks, using hand sanitizers after every hour, clean clothes daily, clean home. Work from home is also the new normal.
In all these worries I am happy from the day I have got a message from google recruiter on my LinkedIn account, it was beyond imagination. I don’t know whether they are going to interview me or not, but the message has motivated me to work hard and has shown me just a completely different direction, I have started dreaming of google. Whenever I will crack the coding interview of Google, it is going to be an entirely new fairy tale story.
Currently, I have only one goal, cracking the interview, and work hard for it, I am not sure when it is going to happen, but till then I will daily work for it, daily remind myself I have to go to Google.
Today I woke up at 6 am, after following my morning routine, I was ready by 7:30 am, In my morning routine I drink around 4 glasses of water, getting fresh and taking bathe, doing Pranayama and Yoga for 20 mins and then comes to my work desk. Started with leetcode challenge, solved the question which was related to flattening the link list. Did a few java interview questions, revised my yesterday’s work. Did some office work, and solved around 5 easy problems of data structure on leetcode.
For tomorrow I have a lot more things to do. I have to increase my speed and try solving as many questions as I can also tomorrow I have scheduled an interview on Pramp, let’s see what happens in the mock interview. Learn daily and day you will win.
Happy Reading!!!